Fighting The Bully The Smart Way
Identifying bullying
Bullying can include:
· teasing and name calling
· threats and physical violence
· damage to property
· leaving pupils out of social activities deliberately
· spreading rumours
· upsetting mobile phone or email messages
If your child is being bullied
Finding out that your child is being bullied is very upsetting, but try to talk calmly to your child about what is happening and:
· make a note of what they say: who was involved, where, when and how often?
· reassure your child that they have done the right thing by telling you
· tell your child to report any further incidents to a teacher straightaway
· talk to your child’s teacher about the bullying
The art of mental self-defence:
Do you think that the smart way to fight a bully might be to not fight the bully at all?
The 3 p’s are the three ways to defend your-self if you are ever approached or attacked by a bully?
We can prevent a fight when we are aware of a bully before he or she is a ware of you. We look at how the bully looks and what the bully says.
We can prevent a fight when we learn to talk our way out of a fight before it happens. We can use these ways to stop a bully from hurting us without being hurt, and with out hurting the bully. These six simple bully buster phrase’s are:
1 Ignore the bully.
2 Agree with the bully.
3 Be nice to the bully.
4 walk away from the bully.
5 Refuse to fight.
6 Call for help.
We can stop a bully from hurting us by getting out of the way by learning martial arts physical self defence skills like ducking dodging, getting free of some one’s hold and blocking.
Taekwon-Do South Schools © 2000-2004